This week flew by as we managed to stay busy. We picked raspberries...
19 lbs! Justin and I had a contest to see who could fill the bucket first. We finished at the same time so weighed it to find the winner. The stakes? Loser cleans the boys bedroom. Well, Justin's weighed in at 5.75lbs. Mine? 5.5 lbs. Yes, I lost...but did I really? Yes, his room will be clean--and have A LOT less stuff in it when I am done!
The kids participated in the craft fair at the library. Brit made some jewelry and sold some plays she had written. Justin made cookies, punch and bean bag balls. Amanda helped sell the punch and Alex tye-dyed shoelaces to sell. It was a success and they had a great time.
Since Brit is my main raspberry jam consumer, she got to learn to make it! We had fun making 5 batches of jam. That should hold us over for a bit. Next up is blueberries. I love this time of year!
Manda was stung by a wasp while swinging. Ouch! We have had 3 bee stings this month. JT, Amanda and a friend. glad no one is allergic.
And what would a post be without my happy boy? He definatly knows how to put a smile on your face. He has so many friends and loves to give hugs.
The weather has been incredibly nice lately and so we have spent so much time outside. We went to the park, lake and have played for hours in the sandbox.
Justin has been wanting to jump off the bridge for a few years. I finally let him.
$10 day ice cream trip. Brit got a super size. It was HUGE. I don't think she will order that size again.
We also got to spend a weekend in Portland visiting family and getting teeth fixed (thanks dr. greg). We got to be present for Julia's blessing and see my brother finish the Seattle to Portland bike ride in 1 day.
205 miles. AMAZING! Way to go Scott.
West Chester, OH
5 years ago