Well hello there, haven’t done this in quite a while have I? This is Brittany who is now 13 years old since Thursday, but lets not jump ahead of ourselves. Many things have happened since our last post, November 6, 2011!!! The milestones that have happened are Thanksgiving, Christmas, four birthdays, two birthday hikes, my mother and I making a trip to General Conference, but also lots of small stuff, like Dad (Aaron) going to Florida and Georgia for a week, Conner starting to walk and say a few words, and a beautiful light show garden in December of 2011. Enough words, here are some pictures:
Two delicious sundaes at the BYU Creamery (the chocolate one is Moms)
Moms reenacting her BYU days
that's on Justin's b day hike.
this is a video at Garden D' Lights of the light pond