Highlights of the trip:
- leaving from Bellingham Airport, so close to the house was awesome!
- Incredibly nice apartment/hotel/room
- Family
- Hoover Dam
- Geocaching
- Spending time with Aaron
- Sleeping in
- Steaks
Lake Mead is in the background. We didn't find one of the caches that brought us to this place but the view made it totally worth it.
Driving to Hoover Dam met us with the view when we turned the corner. I laughed when Aaron and his Dad both reacted with a robust "WOW! Look at that!" This bridge is being built and is pretty incredible to see. The new road will bypass the Dam and allow traffic to move more smoothly.
Inside the Dam. Enough electricity is being made behind us to light 1 million homes (and I am pretty sure that Megatron was being held in the next room).
My Dam boys. Come on, you knew it was coming. The Dam tour was awesome and even the dam tour guide made jokes about the dam elevator, the dam stairs and even the dam camera policy! I could go on and on with a bunch of dam jokes but I don't want to bore you any more.
I would post a picture of the group but you know what they say, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". That is the only explanation of my camera not making it back. It is on it's way (thank you Budget and Asian lady and Fed Ex). We had put most of the pics on the laptop before we left and that is why I even have any--in case you were wondering.
Next trip to look forward to is 10 days in SJ! Just over a month away we are pretty excited.