Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rumor has it that we had a baby!

Well that rumor is true and after a few weeks, we figure it is time to update the blog. This is going to be a photo heavy post, because you already know the details.

Here is our son, CB, in the first few hours of his life. And below is proof of his birth weight.

Mom got a few hours of quiet time, before the invasion by the rest of the family began.

Conner discovers that he is the youngest of 6 kids and they all want a chance to hold him. So he got passed around a bit, with some supervision from dad.

We had a very patient nurse who completed a check-up while all the kids were there and gave all a chance to listen to his heart, lungs, and stomach.

Everybody was excited to bring him home, but that is the subject of another posting.


Annette said...

How fun! What an awesome nurse. Glad things are calming down a bit!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Glad everyone seems to be doing well. Looking forward to meeting Conner.

Corrina Terry said...

Congrats!!!!!!!! I bet you didn't even show until month 7! (I'll never forget that with your first kiddo in Provo! I was a whale at month 3 and you were still a stick!!!!!) :o))))))))

Glad that all went well. He's a cutie!!!

Shelly said...

So cute! I hope you are feeling good Candace. Congratulations!

Joan said...

Congrats! He's adorable and so lucky to have hair!

Unknown said...

That is happiness! Super cute newborn baby pic... and we all know that isn't the case for most newborns. Lucky for Connor. :) And congratulations. :)

Mel said...

I love seeing all the siblings so excited. Love the name Conner. Hope things are going well!